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17. Iwata T., Aoki K., Miller P. J. O., Biuw M., Williamson, M. J., and Sato K. 2023. Non-lunge feeding behaviour of humpback whales associated with fishing boats in Norway. Ethology

16. Foster-Dyer R. T. N., Goetz K. T., Pinkerton M. H., Iwata T., Holser R., Michael S. A., Pritchard C., Childerhouse S., Rotella J., and LaRue M. 2023. First observations of sponge foraging by Weddell seals in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. Polar Biology 46: 611-621

15. Narazaki T., Nakamura I., Aoki K., Iwata T., Shiomi K., Luschi P., Suganuma H., Meyer C. G., Matsumoto R., Bost C. A., Handrich Y., Amano M., Okamoto R., Mori K., Ciccione S., Bourjea J. and Sato K. 2021. Similar circling movements observed across marine megafauna taxa. iScience 102221.

14. Iwata T., Biuw M., Aoki K., Miller P. J. O., and Sato K. 2021. Using an omnidirectional video logger to observe the underwater life of marine animals: humpback whale resting behaviour. Behavioural Processes 104369.

13. Aoki K., Isojunno S., Bellot C., Iwata T., Kershaw J., Akiyama Y., Martín López L.M., Ramp C., Biuw M., Swift R., Wensveen P. J., Pomeroy P, Narazaki T., Hall A., Sato K. and Miller P. J. O. 2021. Aerial photogrammetry and tag-derived tissue density reveal patterns of lipid-store body condition of humpback whales on their feeding grounds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288, 20202307.

12. 岩田高志.2020.海生哺乳類学におけるバイオロギングの利用と発展.哺乳類科学 60: 281-296.

11. Akiyama Y., Akamatsu T., Rasmussen M. H., Iversen M. R., Iwata T., Goto Y., Aoki K. and Sato K. 2019. Leave or stay? Video-loggers revealed foraging efficiency of humpback whales under temporal change in prey density. PLOS ONE 14: e0211138.

10. Constantine R., Iwata T., Nieukirk S. L., and Penry G. S. 2018. Future directions in research on Bryde's whales. Frontiers in Marine Science 5: 333.

9. Iwata T., Akamatsu T., Thongsukdee S., Cherdsukjai P., Adulyanukosol K., and Sato K. 2017. Tread-water feeding of Bryde's whales. Current Biology 27: 1154-1155.

8. Iwata T., Sakamoto K. Q., Edwards E. W. J., Staniland I. J., Trathan P. N., Goto Y., Sato K., Naito Y. and Takahashi A. 2015. The influence of preceding dive cycles on the foraging decisions of Antarctic fur seals. Biology Letters 11: 20150227.


7. Iwata T., Yonezaki S., Kohyama K. and Mitani Y. 2013. Detection of grooming behaviours with an acceleration data logger in a captive northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus). Aquatic Mammals 39: 378-384.


6. Iwata T., Hayashi T., Takasawa-Kasamatsu N. 2013. Report of seabird observation in the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2005-2008. Czech Polar Reports 3: 82-86.


5. Sakamoto Q. K., Takahashi A., Iwata T., Yamamoto T., Yamamoto M. and Trathan P. N. 2013. Heart rate and estimated energy expenditure of flapping and gliding in black-browed albatrosses. The Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 3175-3182.


4. Iwata T., Sakamoto K. Q., Takahashi A., Edwards E. W. J., Staniland I. J., Trathan P. N. and Naito. Y. 2012. Using a mandible accelerometer to study fine-scale foraging behavior of free-ranging Antarctic fur seals. Marine Mammal Science 28: 345-357.


3. Watanabe Y. Y., Sato K., Watanuki Y., Takahashi A., Mitani Y., Amano M., Aoki K., Narazaki T., Iwata T., Minamikawa S. and Miyazaki N. 2011. Scaling of swim speed in breath-hold divers. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 57-68.


2. Sakamoto K. Q., Takahashi A., Iwata T., and Trathan P. N. 2009. From the eye of the albatrosses: A bird-borne camera shows an association between albatrosses and a killer whale in the Southern Ocean. PLoS ONE 4: e7322.


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